
Fayetteville, Georgia

Class of 1990

This page is a way for all of our school friends to network and to offer products and services that others might want or need. This is a purely volunteer listing. Check out the example and send me an email if you want your business or job to be listed. Please send a brief description of what you can offer.
Example: NAME -- Business Name -- Phone Number

I have a business that can offer you certain products or services.
Melissa Harp Higgins - Consultant – Longaberger Baskets and Arbonne International

As a working mom, I started being a consultant for these two companies for two reasons “Extra Cash” and discounts on the products I use everyday... I also found out that other people enjoyed these products as much as I do which has allowed me to grow my side business. Check out the sites and products at and and feel free to call me at 404-456-4101 for more information.
Copyright © 2008 Arthur R. Morgan º FCHS90